Community Outreach

Inspiring others and giving back to our community!

Homecoming Pep-rally & Parade 2024

We participated in our school's pep rally and the school district's homecoming parade. Sadly, we could not bring our T-shirt robot to the events as it was not running smoothly. We did show our team shirts off, walked around with our banner, and passed out candy.

Car Show 2024

We hosted our second annual show. This year, we had a great turn out! We showed our robots, had some concessions, interacted with the guests, interacted with our guests robot, sold some braclets, and had some fun!

Keego Harbor Memorial Day Parade 2024

Our team and the WBSD FTC Teams were in The Keego Harbor Memorial Day parade. We threw candy, advertised our car show, passed out buttons, and threw shirts.

Lakerbot 2024

LakerBot is a yearly event hosted by the West Bloomfield School District. This event is breaking the ice for younger kids to get a feel for the world of robotics. Everyone in the district is invited to show off and explain the next step in FIRST robotics. High schoolers also have a chance to help the adults review the younger kids. 

American Cancer Society DECA Carnival

The WBHS DECA group creates an annual carnival that all the clubs at WBHS can participate in! We sell things and all the money raised in the carnival goes to benefit the American Cancer Society. 

Byte Of Robotics

We hosted our annual Byte Of Robotics event. We had our Middle School First FTC teams  22373, 14649, and 22300 there showing off their robots, a coding tutorial, and their poster. We also had Eonstem come and they showed some drones, Dots, and tablet-controlled robots. Instead of a payment to enter, we asked to donate a small box of Legos. We had a lot of fun and we were able to donate 10 boxes of Legos to the Oakland County Foster Closet.


Presenting to Cubs Scout Team 100

We presented our T-shirt robot to Cub Scouts Pack 100 at Sheiko Elementary School. We shared our robot, what we do at robotics, and we had some fun!

Presenting to the fifth graders 

We showed our T-shirt  robot to the fifth graders.

Homecoming Parade/ Pep assembly 

We walked with our t-shirt robot in the WBHS Homecoming parade! We also shot some t-shirts in the pep assembly.


Family Fun Night

We participated in our district's Family Fun Night. We talked to people of all ages. We also shot our robots T-shirt cannon.

Car Show

We hosted our car show. For our first year, we had over 50 people come and support West Bloomfield High School Robotics.

Keego Harbor Memorial Day Parade

Our team was in The Keego Harbor Memorial Day parade. We shot T-shirts out of a cannon and passed out candy and flyers about our car show out. Our team rode on the bed of one of our sponsors tow trucks (Motown Transit).


LakerBot Festival 

LakerBot is a yearly event hosted by the West Bloomfield School District. It aims to introduce STEM and robotics to younger students in a fun and engaging way. The Atomigators are always pleased to show off our robot and teach future team members all about robotics! 

LakerBot Festival 2023

Our team has been invited back to the LakerBot Festival this year! It was held in the new West Bloomfield Middle School! This year, the event was bigger and better with the Lego League elementary teams making an appearance.